

Historia Klubu im. Generała W. Sikorskiego

Bal Sylwestrowy

Pięknie udekorowana Sala Balowa, przyczyniła się do wspaniałości Balu Sylwestrowego. Była dobra rozrywka, dobre jedzenie i taniec. Było trzy daniowa kolacja serwowane przez nasz personel. Zespół Moonlighters grał bardzo dobrze, szkoda tylko, że jedynie Rock and Roll. Mieliśmy fantastycznych śpiewaków, Marge i Simon śpiewali jak na koncercie. To było naprawdę fantastyczne. 125 gości powitało nowych 2018 z bezpłatnym kieliszkiem wina musującego. Odliczanie czasu na dużym ekranie przy scenie pokazało dokładnie upływające sekundy zsynchronizowane z zegarem światowym. To był wielki Bal sylwestrowy, dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy pomogli i podziękowania dla wszystkich uczestników. I oczywiście wielkie brawa dla Moonlighters!

Niedziela 31 grudnia 2017

Sobota 25 listopada 2017

Św. Andrzej – z rockiem poprzez wieki

Moonlighters dał nam fantastyczny koncert w Andrzejkową noc. Najlepsze hity od lat 60 do lat 90, wszyscy zadowoleni. Dość duża liczba gości przebranych na tę okazję miała podwójną uciechę. Tłum nie był duży; nieco ponad sto, ale rozrywka była duuuuża. Dzięki Moonlighters za wspaniały koncert. Mieliśmy także przyjemność posłuchać krótkiego koncertu zespołu Brothers In Arms. W sumie to była wspaniała noc szczególnie dla miłośników rocka.

Sobota 11 listopada 2017 – Święto Niepodległości Polski.

 W 99-rocznicę odzyskania niepodległości przez Polskę po 123 latach zaborów my w klubie Sikorskiego świętowaliśmy wolność i niezależność, które są kamieniami węgielnymi każdej demokracji i są podstawą samodzielności i dobrobytu każdego narodu. Niezależność niesie obietnicę, jeśli nie gwarancję podstawowych praw człowieka. Zdecydowaliśmy się prowadzić uroczystości w klubie Sikorskiego pod hasłem: Szczęśliwego Dnia Niepodległości Polsko! I świętowaliśmy to polskim jedzeniem, tańcem i muzyką. Ponad 600 osób uczestniczyło; Polaków i Australijczyków. Jedzenie było świetne: bigos, grochówka z wkładką, hot dogi, pierogi, barszcz czerwony z krokietem, sałatka jarzynowa. Mieliśmy zamek dla dzieci, malowanie twarzy, watę cukrową, siatkówka, ognisko i fantastyczne loteria.

Był również program artystyczny, gdzie mezzosopran Daniela Birch zaśpiewała kilka pięknych piosenek polskich i włoskich. To był krótki program przygotowany przez Danielę prawie ad-hoc. Mamy nadzieję, że Daniela weźmie udział w przyszłych imprezach w polskim klubie. Serca wszystkich Gości zdobyli młodzi tancerze z Polskiej Grupy Tańca Kukułeczka. Młodzi wykonawcy zaprezentowali dwa tańce folklorystyczne. Pokazali nam mnóstwo młodzieńczej energii, rytm i dużo uśmiechu. Wszyscy lubili taniec, barwy strojów, muzykę. Kukułeczka gratulacje!

Muzykę dostarczył polski duet Polperth, Ula Sikorska i Ed Maryjewski. Loteria fantowa była ogromny, mieliśmy 37 sponsorów (firm i osoby prywatne), którzy dostarczyli wiele prezentów. Wielkie podziękowania dla:

Adrian’s Continental Smallgoods, Adriatyk Butchers, Bozena & Janusz Dzidek, Chopin, Colway International, ECO Bread, Europarcel, Eva’s Tasty Dumplings, Eva & Andrew Polanski, Forrest Honey, Gallery Lumino, Grace Beauty, Hairdressing & Thermomix, Jaros Engineering, Joanna & Marcin Photography, Key Residential Real Estate Agency, Landmark Residential, Ludwik & Son, Maria’s Dental Laboratory, Natural Beauty System, Niche Living, NuGlass, Olla’s Candles, P & H Imports, Party Day, Photos by Kasia, Pixtory Studio, Ray White Bursmac Real Estate Agency, Roman Gabriel Therapy, Rossmoyne Family Meats, Sew it Seams, Sikorski Bistro, Sondergaard Chartered Accountants &Business Advisors, Study in Perth, The Hire Guys, The Salt Room, West Cost Marble & Granite.

Chcielibyśmy podziękować wolontariuszom, którzy przyczynili się do wielkiego sukcesu tego wydarzenia. Ponad 30 osób pracowało bez wytchnienia, aby zapewnić Święto Niepodległości Polski było pełne radości, rozrywki i uśmiechu.

Sobota 11 listopada 2017

Niedziela 22 i 29 października 2017

Muzyka na żywo

Ryszard Bieńkowski w imieniu klubu zaprosił Kalamunda Live i irlandzki zespół Iron Bark. Muzyka była świetna, nie usłyszysz tej klasy w okolicznych pubach. Prawdziwa przyjemność! Fantastyczne! Szkoda, że bardzo niewielu widzów. Zachęcamy wszystkich, aby przyjść do Klubu Sikorskiego w niedzielę po południu na obiad i posłuchać wspaniałej muzyki na żywo i zatańczyć.

Salon literacki

Zaprosiliśmy miłośników poezji i prozy na drugie spotkanie z cyklu: Przygoda z poezją i sztuką. Tym razem nazywaliśmy to nieformalnie „Kawiarka Poetycko-Artystyczna”, lub formalnie „Literacki Salon w Sikorskim”. Gospodarzem była Beata Larcombe, która umiejętnie zaangażowała autorów i słuchaczy do aktywnego uczestnictwa w wieczorku. Było około 30 osób, a wśród nich wielu poetów, którzy dzielili się swoimi kreacjami. Podziękowania dla Romka, Mirka, Barbary, Mai i Beaty za ich poezje i dla Janusza za niesamowitą interpretację poezji Mirka. Także nagrodę za odwagę dostał Dave za recytację wiersza o kotach w języku chińskim. Format spotkania był mikrofon dla wszystkich, gdzie każdy mógł uczestniczyć, niezależnie od ich preferencji artystycznych. Okazało się, że mamy w naszych szeregach śpiewaczkę operową Danielę. Daniela zaśpiewał kilka piosenek i na zakończenie wieczoru wszyscy przyłączyli się do niej śpiewając piosenkę “Szła Dzieweczka do Laseczka”.

Zaprosiliśmy również Richard Bieńkowskiego do wypełnienia interwałów jego improwizacjami na skrzypcach. Dziękujemy wszystkim za udział i Beacie za przygotowanie całości. To był wielki sukces i teraz jesteśmy przekonani, że Salon Literacki wejdzie na stałe do kalendarza imprez Klubu Sikorskiego. Już czekamy z niecierpliwością na kolejną edycję.

Sobota 21 października 2017

Piątek 20 października 2017

3. piątek miesiąca Muzyka na Żywo

Tym razem mieliśmy Polski zespół „Pro Musica”. Zespół jest na etapie rozwoju, ale nadal grał fantastyczną muzykę, w tym polskie przeboje wszechczasów. Dobra robota Ryszard i Maciek.

Spotkanie z żołnierzami Powstania Warszawskiego 1944 roku

Najpierw Darek Kalinowski przedstawił historię Polski w „krótkim” przedstawieniu, ale był to fascynujący pokaz z tętniącą narracją aby przygotować publiczność do Powstania Warszawskiego. Udało mu się zmieścić 1050 lat w 45 minutach! Następnie hostessy Hania Lilpop Michańków i Beata Larcombe przeprowadziły wywiad z dwoma żołnierzami Powstania Warszawskiego, którzy żyją w Australii Zachodniej; Stanisław Mackiewicz (93) i Zbigniew Muszyński (91). Teraz będąc 90-tce bohaterscy bojownicy opowiadali ich przygody pełne bólu, trosk, nadziei i smutku. Rozmawiali o politycznym i społecznym tle wydarzeń wokół powstania, ale najbardziej fascynujące było, gdy dzielili się swoimi osobistymi przeżyciami, podczas i po powstaniu. Stanisław skończył, jako POW a Zbyszek niemal przepłacił życiem, kiedy wysłano go do obozu koncentracyjnego. Przeszedł przez trzy obozy koncentracyjne, gdzie prawie zginął, leżał już na stosie martwych ciał.

To było fascynujące popołudnie, kiedy wszyscy dostaliśmy lekcję historii na temat tych niesamowitych wydarzeń, nadziei, walki o wolność, ofiary, heroizmu i tragedii. Dziękujemy Stanisław i Zbigniew za bycie z nami i dzielenie się swoim życiem z nami. Wielkie podziękowania również dla zespołu za kulisami, którzy pomogli to spotkanie przygotować: Anna Bienkowski – koordynator, Artur Bienkowski – wideo, Richard Bienkowski – fotografia.

Niedziela 8 października 2017

Niedziela 24 września 2017

Biesiada muzyczna Ryszarda i jego przyjaciół

Ryszard Bienkowski wraz z Maćkiem Warzyckim oraz ich przyjaciele stworzyli sesję muzyczną grając i śpiewając. Co za pomysł, dobry obiad i miła muzyka na żywo. Dziękujemy Ryszard i Maciek.

Koncert Andrzeja Kołakowskiego

Tytuł koncertu był „Testament żołnierzy niezłomnych”, był on poświęcony żołnierzom walczącm rozprzestrzenianiu Radzieckiego komunizmu w powojennej Polsce. Najpierw Anna Kołakowska, historyk, nauczyciel, opowiedziała o tle historycznym i faktach aby odtworzyć historyczne tło dla piosenek Andrzeja. Następnie „Bard polskiej sceny patriotycznej” Andrzej śpiewał o mężczyznach i kobietach, chłopcach i dziewczętach, o ich miłości do Polski, o bohaterstwie i ich ofiarach. Koncert był Lekcją historii tak pięknie przedstawionej, tak smutnej i tragicznej, ale pełne nadziei, z przekonaniem, że dobro zawsze zwycięży. Nigdy nie zapomnimy poświęceń i ofiar Żołnierzy Niezłomnych!

Wielkie podziękowania dla stowarzyszenia „Nasza Polonia” i Henryka Sawickiego w szczególności, który zaprosił Andrzeja Kołakowskiego i umożliwił ten wieczór pełen informacji, uczuć i emocji.

Sobota 23 września 2017

Niedziela 17 września 2017

„Kolorowe Jarmarki” był to fundraiser dla Polish Copernicus Association Perth Inc.

Copernicus jest nowo powstała grupy, którego nadrzędnym celem jest wspieranie i zachęcanie rekreacyjnych i kulturalnych działań. Ten fundraiser wieloaspektowy, składający się z swapmeet głównie polskich dostawców różnych produktów od chleba i ciasta do kosmetyków i piżamy. Był też zamek dla dzieci, muzyka na żywo, dobre, polskie jedzenie, ognisko i inne atrakcje. Dobra robota, Copernicus i zespół Sikorskiego.

Urban Jam, koncert Rock

Muzyka na żywo wraca do Klubu Sikorskiego w piątkowe wieczory. Zespoły będą występować co trzeci piątek każdego miesiąca. To będzie miło mieć obiad, cieszyć się świetną muzykę na żywo i potańczyć. Otwierający piątkową serię koncert przez Urban Jam był wielki sukcesem, 6 osobowy zespół miał świetną sesję muzyczną.

Friday 15 September 2017

Saturday 22 July 2017

Adventure with Poetry and Art
This is the first instalment of the special meetings devoted to arts in its many forms and shapes.
Inspiration for the evening was Anna Winczura Modzelewski, very talented writer and poet. Anna lives in Melbourne but occasionally visits Perth to be with her daughter Amelia who studies Medicine at UWA. And on her last visit we gently persuaded her to meet with the lovers of arts and poetry in particular. Thus started “Poezja przy świecach i kawie”.
Anna happily agreed and the evening became a real poetry happening with reciting, discussions and other participants sharing their poems with fully packed Function Room.
While we enjoyed the poetry, Halina Rosa had on display some samples of her art collection. She is painting and designing textiles. Painting is her great passion, joy of life, the voice of her soul and the realization of the divine plans. Her favourite topics are roses, landscapes of Tatry Mountains and crocus flowers.
To top it off we managed to bring a special guest, one of the most talented Polish Australian opera singers Magda Lisek who highlighted the evening with some beautiful pieces of her choice.
Her voice filled in the room and made it so small for Magda’s huge talent. We were overwhelmed.
The producer and the Master of Ceremony was our Beata Larcombe. Fantastic job Beata!
Remember the names: Anna Winczura Modzelewski, Halina Rosa, Magda Lisek!


General Sikorski Day
Mass for General Wladyslaw Sikorski was held at the St. Anthony Church in Greenmount. Afterwards was an official Lunch at the Sikorski Club. Club’s President showed short film about the burial of General in the crypt at the Wawel Castle in Cracow 50 years after his death in Gibraltar. Finally he was brought to rest at the Polish soil, among Polish Kings.

Sunday 2 July 2017

Sunday 21 May 2017

Meetings with Interesting People Part 1
‘Club of a Positive Woman’ in association with Sikorski Club invited to the first event of the series of the “Meetings with Interesting People”. And our guest was Antonina McNamara.


Family Feast By the Bonfire
There was a traditional Polish food: our famous hunter’s stew, split pea and ham soup, sausage sizzle, hot dogs, and something rare: bread with homemade drippings and dill cucumber!
To top it off there were cakes, coffee and tea
There was more…Dancing to good music just to burn some calories, and for some excitement a Raffle with nice prizes.
There was a jumping castle for kids, volleyball for youngsters and for all a big BONFIRE.
Our MC and DJ for the day was Kat Kupsch, Radio Announcer from 102.5 FM
Special entertainment presentation by: Prestige Dance & Performance Company.
And Entry was FREE.
Attendance was very good, over 300 people and what now becomes a norm, it is a growing number of Australians taking part in celebrations alongside the Poles.

Special guest at the Family Feast by the Bonfire was Councillor Mr Ian Johnson representing City of Swan Mayor Mr Mick Wainwright. Ian was accompanied by his daughter and her friend.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Tuesday 25 April 2017

President of the Club and Secretary on behalf of Club laid a wreath at the War Memorial.


Easter Egg
Club members celebrated a traditional Polish Easter lunch. Firstly there was a Mass at St Anthony’s Catholic Church. Afterwards we met for the Easter meal at the Club. Our Easter meal was blessed by Fr Richard Sadowski.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Friday 17 March – 2017

Saint Patrick Day
Why not celebrate with Irish – let’s go green. Some thirty people showed up with something green. And Guinness was aplenty. We all had good fun and music was good too.

Woman’s Day
Special day for women was celebrated with the meeting of the special guests; Yoga teacher Ritu, cosmetics specialist Marta Wawrzyniak and psychologist and philosopher Mira Danielewska. It was very interesting and informative meeting not only for the ladies but to all men present as well.

Also all the ladies when they entered the Club were greeted with a glass of good champagne.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Saturday 28 January 2017

New Management Committee was unanimously elected with Vlodek Bilski as President and Beata Bednarczyk and Peter Sobczyk as Vice Presidents.

“Pastorałka” – eng. Pastorale.
A show prepared and produced by Scena 98 – Polish Youth Theatre Group in association with Polish Dance Group Kukułeczka and Pospolite Ruszenie – Polish Band. It was a fantastic show full of young and very young performers. Congratulations to all and in particular to the show’s director Fr Tomasz Bujakowski.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Saturday 31 December 2016

New Year’s Eve Rock Concert
This time there was a party, instead of the traditional Ball, just for a change. The entry was only $20, and the band was really good, well their name is Moonlighters and that was why perhaps quite a good crowd showed up – over 150. Bar and Restaurant were opened as well.

 Children’s Show “Wawel Dragon”
Solo performance by Artur Gotz for kids of all ages. The show is based on the old Polish legend about the dragon living in the cave under the King’s Castle in Cracow called Wawel. The legend is full of drama, bravery, honour and wits. It ends well thank to heroism and smartness of a young man…or isn’t it?

Sunday 27 November 2016

Saturday 26 November 2016

“A Man Almost Perfect”
Incredible performance by very talented Polish actor and vocalist Artur Gotz “ Mężczyzna Prawie Doskonały”. The show was full of hits written and composed by Agnieszka Chrzanowska. Fantastic, unforgettable night. Artur visited our Club on his tour of Australia. Hopefully we’ll see Artur Gotz again in the future.

Meeting with Polish Athletes
World Master Athletics Perth 2016 came to an end, and we brought Polish athletes to congratulate them their performances and say farewell before their departure for Poland. We had nice BBQ and good time listening to their stories and exchanging our own experiences.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Saturday 8 October 2016

Hop Harvest Festival
It became a tradition to our Polish version of Oktoberfest for Polish and local Australian communities.
However our festival is more family oriented. And as always there was a good food, music, and fun for kids.

Father’s Day
This Sunday was very special when we put bouncing castle in the Main Hall and provided BBQ with sausages, homemade cakes, pool tables to celebrate our Fathers. Weather wasn’t great but we had fan.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Sunday 10 July 2016

Sikorski Day
Traditional Mass and then lunch at the Club. This time we had a guest speaker Juliusz Bogacki – thank you Julek.

Family Feast by the Bonfire
Another big family event with music, traditional Polish food and fun for the whole family.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Saturday 30 April 2016

Artur Dutkiewicz Solo
In May 2015 Artur Dutkiewicz took part in the Perth Jazz Festival, just then he was invited by Aneta Gradek for a concert in Perth in 2016. And indeed Eventador managed to bring one of the greatest Polish Jazz Pianists to Perth for just one concert at the Polish Club Sikorski. The artist showed his musical genius mesmerising the crowd.
Thank you Eventador for bringing Artur to Perth, thank you Club Sikorski for making this Concert possible.

ANZAC Day Service
The President of the General Sikorski Polish Club laid a wreath at the War Memorial.

Monday 25 April 2016

Saturday 9 April 2016

“Dancing Soul and Blues”
Bill Neal Vocal/Sax, Lez Karski Guitar/Vocals, Tony King Bass, Paul Mayers Drums.
Two Australian blues legends joined forces to produce an unrivalled show for blues and soul fans.
Their music great to listen, made your feet moving as well. It was a concert to look, listen and dance!

New Year’s Eve Ball
Traditional New Year’s Eve Ball. Good music, good fun.

Thursday 31 December 2015

Saturday 10 October 2015

Hop Harvest Festival
Traditional outdoor Family event was another great success for the Club. There was a good attendance and the club’s Management Committee made sure everything was perfect.
As always there was fan for everybody, good  live music and fantastic traditional Polish food.

Polish Business Expo 2015
Organised by the Positive Woman’s Club, instigated and coordinated by Aneta Gradek the Polish Business Expo 2015 was a great success. Some 50 businesses were represented showing great depth and variety of Polish entrepreneurs. Congratulations to Aneta Gradek and the Positive Woman’s Club team. Aneta Gradek exceled in managing to bring so many businesses to the Expo. The entire profit of $750 from the sale of the EXPO Calendar was donated to the Polish School in Perth. Thank you Positive Women’s Club!

Sunday 20 September 2015

Friday 18 September 2015

Meeting with bike riders
Pushbike riders from Poland travelling around the world, Adela and Kris visited the Club to share their stories of joy, hardship, kindness and friendship while riding throughout the Middle East, Africa and both Americas. 5 years, 48,000 kilometres, 31 countries, 4 continents.

Quiz Night
Fundraiser for The Ripple Effect Development Association Inc.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Sunday 5 July 2015

General Sikorski Day
Mass for the General was taken place at St Anthony’s Catholic Church.
After the Mass there was a gathering at the Club with the official presentation of Thumbnails of the Polish Community Council of Australia handed to the nominees, that have been awarded the Medal of Merit of the Polish Community Council of Australia. Among the recipients were members of the Club: Jadwiga Bilska, Janusz Dzidek,  Halina Jackiewicz, Kazimierz Jackiewicz, Eugeniusz Marczewski, Piotr Woliński.

Polish Film Festival
Polish Club General W. Sikorski WA Inc. became a sponsor of the new Polish Film Festival in Perth.
The First edition of the Polish film Festival was organised under the auspices of the Polish Club Sikorski.


Saturday 16 May 2015 

Autumn Feast by the Bonfire
Another community event for the families opened for free to everybody. Live entertainment, traditional Polish food, fun for kids.

Who Just Wanna Have Fun?
Big Party organised in cooperation with Eventador with great music selection by DJ – Artur Szulakowski, who is known in Europe as Marco Khaan. Big party for the younger generation, however slightly older folks were also represented and the entertainment was just splendid! Job well done Eventador!

Saturday 18 April 2015

Sunday 12 April 2015 

AGM Part 2
Election of the new President and Management Committee of the Polish Club Sikorski. Ken Jackiewicz was elected, by the majority of votes, the new President of the Polish Club General W. Sikorski WA Inc.

AGM Part 1
AGM unanimously accepted the reports and activities of the outgoing Management Committee. President Vlodek Bilski resigned from the position and refused nomination for the next term due to ill health. Stalemate occurred because of the lack of suitable candidate for the position of the President. The meeting was adjourned to be continued within the next 3 weeks.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Saturday 14 February 2015

Valentine’s Day
In the Ball Room was organised Valentine’s Day which was at the same time a celebration of the last day of Carnival. The Ball was actually a disco with dinner and music. Nicely decorated Ball Room, fantastic atmosphere drew a crowd of over 120 gusts. DJ was Matthew Prusinski and he performed exceptionally well. Dinner could be ordered at our Bistro/Restaurant.

New Year’s Eve Ball
The club’s beautiful ballroom was as always nicely decorated. There was a three-course dinner served very efficiently by our waiting staff. Islanders Band performed again and singer Peter Robins exceled as always.
140 guests welcomed the new 2015 with a complimentary glass of sparkling wine. Count down on a big screen next to the stage showed accurately passing seconds synchronised with the World Clock.

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Saturday 1 November 2014

Concert and Dance Party on the occasion of the meeting of Ambassador and Consul General of the Republic of Poland with the Polish diaspora of Western Australia
Soon after the arrival of special guest and welcome by the Sikorski Club’s representatives in the foyer the short official part started. Master of Ceremony Mrs Anna Niedzwiadek opened the proceedings.
Then the President of the Club Mr Vlodek Bilski welcomed all the guests especially distinguished guests representing the Government of the Republic of Poland:

His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Australia Mr Pawel Milewski
Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney Mrs Regina Jurkowska
Honorary Consul in Perth Mr Paul Bitdorf
Honorary Consul in Adelaide Ms Gosia Hill
Honorary Consul in Brisbane Mr Brian Kilmartin
Consul Ms Magdalena Slubowska
Vice Consul Ms Dorota Preda

Address by the co-host Honorary Consul in Perth Mr Paul Bitdorf
Address by His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland Mr Pawel Milewski
Address by the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney Mrs Regina Jurkowska
The Ceremony of awarding medals for highly deserving and accomplished members of the Western Australian Polish Community. The medals were presented by the Consul General of the Republic of Poland Mrs Regina Jurkowska
Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland was awarded to Ms Halina Szunejko
Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland was awarded to Mr Eugeniusz Marczewski – member of the Polish Club General W. Sikorski WA Inc
Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland was awarded to Ms Janina Ragus – member of the Polish Club General W. Sikorski WA Inc
Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland was awarded to Mr Stanislaw Ragus (posthumously) – member of the Polish Club General W. Sikorski WA Inc
Badge of Honour of Merit for Polish Culture was awarded to Mrs Anna Niedzwiadek
Next Mrs Anna Niedzwiadek announced the start of the Concert

Niezapominajki – children’s choir
Pospolite Ruszenie – music band
Kukułeczka – children’s dance group
Billy Neal & Peter Wilkinson – unplugged set of blues and original jazz songs
After the Concert the Dance Party started in the Big Hall
A while later in the Function Room VIP signed the Guest Book, posed with the General Sikorski Club Management Committee on a family photo, and mingled with the crowd.
Thank you all for coming and particularly our special guest who made this evening unforgettable.

Oktoberfest 2014
Also known as Hop Harvest Festival – was a great day. Weather was quite bad with rains, hail, with only some glimpses of sunshine. But it didn’t scare the public, our friends and followers and supporters came in huge numbers. There were attractions for everyone, jumping castle for kids (not for long unfortunately), volleyball for youngsters, big bonfire, live music by the Polpers and fantastic traditional Polish food, huge selection of European beers, good selection of prizes in the raffle and the most important thing of all: fantastic festive atmosphere! Weather was changing by an hour, so people moved from inside to outside, or back inside. We had at the big hall a great performance of Polish Dance Group Kukuleczka. Well done and thank you Kukuleczka!
This time another record was broken of the number of guests. Thank you all for coming!
It was a great Festival. Congratulations to all the organisers! They were well prepared and fast acting – thank you to all volunteers from the Sikorski Club.
Thank you to the sponsors: Designed for Kids – Polish Books and wooden toys, Eva and Andrew Palański, G.DEK Unlimited – Wall & Floor Tiling, Ludwik & Son – European Smallgoods & Continental Specialist, Organique cosmetics – Distributor Marta Wawrzyniak, P & H Imports – Polish Beer Wholesaler, Pest Rangers – Pest Control, Polish Law Service – Solicitor Jacek Marcoń, Rosmoyne Family Meats – European Smallgoods, Sew it Seams – Clothing Alterations – Anna Bieńkowski, Tadeusz Drozda – Satirist, The Polpers – Musicians, Sikorski Bar & Sikorski Bistro, VarkaPol – Beer Distributor/Wholesale

Saturday 18 October 2014

Saturday 27 September 2014

Tadeusz Drozda Jubilee Show
One of the greatest if not the greatest Polish comedian and satirist came to Australia for the continent wide tour invited by Vlodek Bilski, President of the Polish Club Sikorski. The Concert was a big success, there were over 230 people attending the show. There was a nonstop laughter. Everybody loved the show. Tadeusz started an after-show “Party at Tadek’s” – it was also a great fun.
In a week leading to the show Tadeusz played plenty of golf and on the 25th September there was a big golf competition named “Drozda Cup” sponsored by the Sikorski Club. Winners were Włodzimierz Niedźwiedź and Zdzisław Gardula (The Best Score) – congratulations. Thank you to golf week organisers: Janusz Biegański and Zbyszek Soszka.
For more info about fantastic Tadeusz Drozda Concert please click here. More about Tadeusz Drozda: http://www.drozda.pl (please have a look at the tab “Opinie i wywiady”)
Saturday 13 September 2014 – Bogan Bingo – Fundraiser for In Step Dance Studio
Des Gee and his dance school are raising funds to be able to go to the Dance Competition in Sydney. The night was a great success with over 230 attending and having huge fun. Mission accomplished!

Back to the 80’s Ball Extravaganza!
Great Ball! The decor was just fantastic – straight from the 80’s! Fantastic professional job by Agnieszka Arto and Ela Przybylska. Congratulations and big THANK YOU to both girls! The Master of Ceremony Pawel Bilski allowed us all to go back to the old good 80’s with a giggle and laughter. Islanders Band tried hard to be with the music of the era but one nice Beatles hit wasn’t that convincing. During the breaks we had as a background Polish music from the 80’s expertly selected by Darek Kalinowski. Fantastic Ball, great music, lots of laughter and fun.
Saturday 9 August 2014 – Disco: Don’t keep your nose in the air, come along and have fun with us!
Fantastic Disco at the Function Room was prepared and run by Darek Kalinowski. Disco lights, smoke and selection of music was great. Darek was also a DJ and a annoucer and a music historian and expert. Big number of our members and non members showed up enjoying the music and dance.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Saturday 19 July 2014

Kalamunda Rotary Club International Night – Poland
Krystyna Kerr from the Kalamunda Rotary Club contacted Vlodek Bilski from the Polish Club Sikorski with a request to prepare an informative day/dinner about one country: Poland. Few months of preparations and an astonishing night arrived.
We were challenged with a difficult task: how to present Poland with her past and present, with the tragedies and great achievements. Huge history, great nation, massive successes, tremendous people, fantastic talent, beautiful countryside. And to do it all in less than three hours.
Members of the Kalamunda Rotary Club gathered at the Polish Club General Sikorski WA Inc for the special dinner on the occasion of the International Day where the members were expecting the full information about Poland.
And there it was:
• Map, flag and coat of arms, national anthem and the history of the Polish Club Sikorski were presented by the President of the Polish Club Mr Vlodek Bilski
• Kukułeczka presented beautiful and vibrant four Polish folklore dances, then mingled with the crowd talking about Polish traditions, dances, costumes
• Bistro served a selection of traditional Polish meals
• Key speaker for the night was the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Perth Mr Paul Bitdorf. Mr Bitdorf with great expertise and also passion talked about Poland, history, tragedies, straggle, recovery, achievements. From the greatness of most powerful European country in 17th century to collapse under conspiracy o three big neighbours in 18th century. About great Polish heroes, thinkers, artists. Successes of the post-communist Poland, sound economy, leadership role in modern Europe. But also about Poles in Australia, big names and successes of hard working polish emigrants.

General Sikorski Day
Mass was taken place at St Anthony’s Catholic Church. Altar was aesthetically decorated by Father Richard Sadowski with the portrait of General Sikorski as its centrepiece. Father Richard was also the celebrant of the mass.
General Sikorski Club’s Flag Bearer was Mr Gienek Marczewski, readings by Vlodek Bilski, psalms sung by Fr Richard. Commemorative Dinner took place at the Function Room of the Sikorski Club.
With a minute of silence we remembered all those departed including General Sikorski and all the members of the Club, and their families.
Newsreel from 1941/42 showed Polish Armed Forces in the East and visit there by General Sikorski.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Saturday 17 May 2014

Autumn Feast by the Bonfire
Traditional already open air event at the Polish Club Sikorski is synonymous with excellent European beer, ham on a spit, pea soup with insert, traditional homemade hunter’s stew, sausage sizzle, hot dogs, dancing to good live music, raffle, beer garden, cake, coffee, tea, and more…
Great live music by the Polpers and as always a jumping castle for kids, Volleyball for youngsters and Big Bonfire!
More than 400 visited the Club and had a good time.
Thank you to raffle sponsors: Ludwik & Son European Smallgoods & Continental Specialist, P&H Imports, Polish Law Service Radca Prawny Jacek Marcon, Designed for Kids, Sew it Seams – Clothing Alterations by Anna Bienkowski, Eva and Andrew Polanski, Varkapol, Honorata Kozub Realmark – Real Estate, Sikorski Club Bar & Bistro.
Polish School in Perth run a fundraiser during the evening and collected over $700! Thank you all for your generosity. The school needs funds for equipment and other expenses. Every dollar counts!

Jazz, Blues and Rock Jamboree with Australian and Polish Stars
To celebrate 223 Anniversary of the First in Europe Democratic Constitution – 3rd of May Polish Constitution 1791, Polish Club General W. Sikorski organised a Concert of Billy Neal Band with guest appearances of world famous Polish jazzmen: Adam Czerwinski and Tomasz Kupiec.
Also invited were our own local stars: Polish Dance Group Kukuleczka and Polish Youth Theatre Group Scena 98!
The concert was opened by Club’s President Mr Vlodek Bilski who welcomed the public and a very special guest the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Western Australia Mr Paul Bitdorf and his wife Halina. Next Mr Bilski briefly discussed the importance of Polish 3rd May Constitution. Then he introduced the Master of Ceremony, very talented Miss Klaudia Sosin.
Klaudia started the Concert by beautifully singing a classical piece, “Ave Maria” by Romantic composer Franz Shubert. It was breathtaking. Next on the stage was Polish Youth Theatre Group Scena 98 represented by its performance group “Pospolite Ruszenie”, with its leader and founder Father Stanislaw Tomasiak. They sang 4 contemporary Polish songs. Then in full colour and youthful energy Polish Dance Group Kukuleczka took the stage presenting Polish national dances Kujawiak-Oberek and the Polka. Kujawiak with a lovely slow rhythm blended into fast paced Oberek requiring very high skills from the dancers. That was followed by vibrant and exciting Polka. It was a  fantastic show of Polish folklore.
Bravo to both groups “Scena 98” and “Kukuleczka” for providing the highest class entertainment!
After the interval Billy Neal Band were up on the stage.
Billy Neal Band squad:
– Billy Neal – Vocals & saxophones
– Adam Czerwinski – Drums
– Tomasz Kupiec – Bass
– Peter Wilkinson – Keyboard
– Dave Brewer – Guitar
General Sikorski Club Ballroom was transformed into a Jazz Club.
Five great, fascinating musicians playing jazz and blues with ease and character. Playing compositions of Billy Neal, Peter Wilkinson and also the great late Jarek Smietana and other Polish composers. The audience also enjoyed some classical jazz pieces that are always fun, and more so when are played so well. Spectators enjoyed the music so much that were dancing in front of the stage in big numbers. Of course as on any jazz concert our performers indulged the listeners with their solo improvisations, showing off their artistry, originality and creativity.
Two hours of great jazz divided by 20 minutes break passed so fast that the encore was a must!
This was one of the greatest concerts at the Sikorski Club. Well the artists of the world class calibre made the night unforgettable.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Thursday 1 May 2014

Guitar Guinness World Record
Traditionally on the 1st of May in Wroclaw, Poland fans of guitar music gather together to play “Hey Joe” by Jimi Hendrix. This year it was already the 12th edition of Guitar Guinness World Record as part of the Thanks Jimi Festival. The event is becoming a cult event, and every year people from across Poland and the rest of Europe gather in Wroclaw Market Square, attempting to beat the Guinness World Record in the collaborative guitar rendition of “Hey Joe”. This year, participants attempted to beat their own record from 2012, when the song resounded, while being played through 7273 guitars. Now it became GLOBAL, by joining of guitarists from all over the world.
At the Polish Club Sikorski in Perth over 40 guitarist and music lovers gather together to help beat the record. Via internet link we joined the fans in Wroclaw and on our big screen was direct telecast from the Market square in Wroclaw.
This year the record was broken again – 7344!. Congratulations Wroclaw, congratulations Leszek Cichonski (the instigator and main organiser). In Perth the promoter and force behind the idea to join was Adam Murcha and everything could happen due to technical wizardry of Stefan Ziemianski, thank you both! Thank you to all participants it was a great fun. And next year we will try to make it even bigger night.

Easter Egg – Święcone
This is a traditional Polish Easter lunch. It is a beautiful celebration of Christ Resurrection. Firstly the Mass was celebrated at St Anthony’s Catholic Church. Afterwards we met for the Easter meal at the Club. Our Easter meal was blessed by Fr Richard Sadowski.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Friday 25 April 2014

ANZAC Day Service
As every year Club members attend ANZAC Day Commemorative Service. The President of the General Sikorski Polish Club on behalf of Club lay a wreath at the War Memorial.

Carnival Festival in the Beer Garden
Good food, excellent beer, bouncing castle, volleyball, live music from 4 PM till 1 AM.
This time the Team Sikorski prepared everything very well, there were no queues, plenty of everything. We had a splendid performance by the Prestige Dance & Performance Company. They are home to some of the best dancers in Western Australia.
Thank you our sponsors: Ludwik & Son European Smallgoods & Continental Specialist, Rosmoyne Family Meats European Smallgoods, Krzysztof Szczucki owner of Pest Rangers,  P&H Imports, Sew it Seams – Clothing Alterations by Anna Bienkowski, Eva and Andrew Polanski, Varkapol, Sikorski Club Bar & Bistro.
The crowd was smaller than anticipated (around 300). And newly purchased sound system gave us some problems, apologies.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Friday 14 February 2014

Valentine’s Day
At the Function Room was organised Valentine’s Day with dinner and music. Nicely decorated room, good atmosphere drew a crowd of over 40 gusts.

Annual General Meeting – Informative
The President, Treasurer and other heads of Committees, presented the Annual Reports.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Sunday 5 January 2014

Christmas Wafer
During the Polish Mass at the St Anthony’s Church Fr Leonard talked about the traditions, Christmas spirit and our Polish carols. Carols, he said are the most beautiful element of our celebrations of welcoming Jesus to our lives, carols are the most powerful in their simplicity of showing the Christ message of love and care.
At the Sikorski Club we welcomed Fr Bronek  Pietrusewicz, Fr Leonard Macionczyk and Fr Ryszard Sadowski from the St Anthony Parish who came to celebrate The Christmas Wafer with all of us. The prayer by Fr Bronek was followed by sharing the wafer, singing carols to the music by Adam Sadkowski (guitar), Andrew Burzynski (guitar)  and Ryszard Bienkowski (violin). Then everybody enjoyed a traditional Polish Christmas meal. We also sang “sto lat” to Fr Ryszard as he just celebrated his birthday.
Thank you to everyone who came for being a part of Christmas celebrations and Fr Bronek for creating such an authentic family atmosphere.

New Year’s Eve Ball
The club’s beautifully renovated ballroom and elegant décor made the New Year’s Eve Ball a night to remember, filled with great entertainment, food and dancing. There was a tasty three-course dinner served very efficiently by our waiting staff. Islanders Band performed admirably and fantastic singer Peter Robins transformed his appearance into a concert, that everybody loved. It was indeed a touch of class.
250 guests welcomed the new 2014 with a complimentary glass of sparkling wine, and 400 balloons showered dancing crowd at the stroke of midnight. Count down on a big screen next to the stage showed accurately passing seconds synchronised with the World Clock.
This was one of the best New Year’s Eve Balls ever!

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Saturday 30 November 2013

St Andrew’s Ball
Fantastic Ball with all attractions as promised. The crowd of over 130 enjoyed good music played by Oceanites Cabaret Band. Bistro was open and serving nice food to those who ordered it, this time meal was not in the ticket price. There was a stage show by Lady Lynda the Magician, where she danced and made things disappear. In the Function Room was the wax pouring with complimentary foretelling by Peter the Wizard who made the viewers burst with laughter every single fortune telling case.

Oktoberfest 2013
Hop Harvest Festival was a great success. Not only our guests liked it, but it drew a record crowd!
There were attractions for everyone, jumping castle for kids, volleyball for youngsters, big bonfire, live music by Polpers and fantastic traditional Polish food, huge selection of European beers, good selection of prizes in the raffle and the most important thing of all: fantastic festive atmosphere!
To top it off there was a great performance of Polish Dance Group Kukuleczka presenting Dances from Rzeszow and afterwards the Little Kukuleczka showed the Krakowiak. Well done and thank you Kukuleczka!
This time another record was broken of over 700 hundred guests – that was brilliant!
It was a great Festival. Congratulations to all the guests and the organisers!
Apologies for at times long queues to the bar – we’ll address it next time.
Thank you to the sponsors: Ludwik & Son European Smallgoods & Continental Specialist, Rosmoyne Family Meats European Smallgoods, P&H Imports, Krzysztof Szczucki i Bogdan Leczynski from Pest Rangers, Polish Law Service Legal Advisor Jacek Marcon, Designed for Kids, Halina & Lech Weglewski, Sikorski Club Bar & Bistro, Varkapol, Vectorex Engineering

Saturday 9 November 2013

Saturday 26 October 2013

Concert by a Polish singer Lidia Bednarz
Very well known in the Polish communities in Poland and abroad. The concert was a selection of songs from 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, hits from Anna Jantar, Czeslaw Niemen, Grazyna Lobaszewska, Edyta Geppert, Maryla Rodowicz, Seweryn Krajewski and more.
Lidia sang solo to the playback and to the accompaniment of the guitarist Steve Stevens (her husband, professional musician and a music teacher). The public was overwhelmed by her beautiful, powerful and versatile voice and her ability to sing the most challenging pieces with ease, character and  authority. Bravo Lidia!

Excursion to Kalgoorlie
In the program was site seeing places like Kalgoorlie, Super Pit, Menzies, Lake Ballard, Niagara Dam, Boulder

Friday 11 – Sunday 13 October 2013

Saturday 5 October 2013

Concert of Slovak singer Peter Nagy
Peter Nagy famous Slovak singer on o tour of Australia. He came to Perth for a one man show and played guitar and sang live. He was singing his most popular hits and songs he loved the most. Concert was organised by the Czech and Slovak Association of WA.

Spring Dance
It was a fundraiser for the Scena 98 – Polish Youth Theatre Group
In a program were performances of Kukuleczka, “Scena 98” and Band “Pospolite Ruszenie”.
Superbly prepared by Fr. Tom, Scena 98, Kukuleczka. Congratulations to Fr. Stan and the Band “Pospolite Ruszenie”. Thank you to the Sponsors and all present for coming and supporting Polish Theatrical Group “Scena 98”

Saturday 21 September 2013 

Saturday 14 September 2013

Telethon 2013 (for Channel 7 TV)
Telethon fundraiser organised by the Dirt Track Nutters – fantastic bunch of speedway enthusiasts.
It was a great success – Congratulations to Dirt Track Nutters – over $13,000 raised on the night for Princess Margaret Hospital for Children!
Congratulations and BIG THANK YOU go to all participants, benefactors and organisers: Jason Sutton and his Team from Dirt Track Nutters, MC – Bennie Bishop from 96 FM, Perth Band Mixtape
Comedy show Young at Heart, all volunteers, helpers and supporters, and the host General Sikorski Polish Club in Bellevue

Thank You to our sponsor
During the interval of the concert of Polish Music Days Ms Margaret Gutowska donated to the General Sikorski Polish Club $500 for the Club development. Thank you!

Saturday 17 August 2013

Saturday 17 August 2013

Polish Music Days Concert
Marta Magdalena Lelek – violin and Anna Miernik-Sobula – piano presenting works of Witold Lutosławski, Fryderyk Chopin, Ignacy Jan Paderewski
After PolArt 2012 this concert was the greatest Polish cultural event of 2013 in Perth.
Small group of highly rated in the world Polish professionals came to Perth, courtesy of the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Poland. In the program were works of the most famous and most extraordinary Polish composers: Witold Lutoslawski, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Fryderyk Chopin. With the exception of Chopin these composers were not known or played in Australia. This concert was indeed a rare occasion to get acquainted with the style and depth of originality of the compositions but also to admire its complexity and beauty.
Very talented young Polish musicians Marta Magdalena Lelek – violin and Anna Miernik-Sobula – piano made the concert a huge artistic event; Concert of the Year! Their interpretation was met with not only the acceptance but with great admiration. They made all Polish attendees proud – Polish composers, Polish artists, Polish Club.
Very important aspect of the concert was the presence of young announcer Wojciech Woclaw, who with great charm was talking about the composers, their music, the history behind the pieces being played. Finally the manager of the whole project “Polish Music Days 2013” Marian Sobula, a great pianist himself was ensuring the concert was a fantastic artistic success.
Sikorski Club Hall after the renovation has a proven excellent acoustics, great for the concerts and shows, and the Club has provided for the event a formidable Petrof grand piano (thanks to Mr Jacek Slawomirski and courtesy of SoundCentre, Morley) – all that significantly contributed to the artistic success of the concert.
Polish Club General W. Sikorski in Perth thanks all the artists, PianoClassic Association and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland for making this Concert possible, Thank You!

General Sikorski Day
Mass at St Anthony’s Catholic Church was beautiful and uplifting. Altar was aesthetically decorated by Father Richard Sadowski with the portrait of General Sikorski as its centrepiece and the celebrant was the Parish Dean Father Bronislaw Pietrusewicz.
General Sikorski Club’s Flag Bearer was Mr Gienek Marczewski, readings by Vlodek Bilski, psalms sung by Maria Stanczak, music by Adam Sadkowski, Edyta Grzelak, Ryszard Bieńkowski and Nathan Durczak.
Fr. Bronislaw was preaching about the history, hopes and sacrifices. It was a mass for the soul of General Wladysław Sikorski, the Polish Patriot, Prime Minister, Head of the Polish Armed Forces, a man of impeccable character, the statesman of the highest morale, the politician with integrity. The Ambassador of the Polish cause, the fighter for the Polish interests.
Fr. Bronislaw talked about the history, and how the history shaped us, how this great Patriot spread his love for Poland among his contemporaries and how it all is still valid today.
Thank you Fr. Bronek for your words of wisdom, for the beautiful mass filled with knowledge, hope and God’s love.

Commemorative Dinner took place at the Function Room of the Sikorski Club.
With a minute of silence we remembered all those departed including General Sikorski and all the members of the Club, and their families.
Newsreel from 1940/41 showed what was happening at the time.
Traditionally the best volunteers of the Club in the recent times were acknowledged:
• In appreciation of the volunteer work for the Polish Community and for the work for the Senior’s Club of General Sikorski Polish Club, the Certificate of Appreciation received:
– Józefa Kata
– Maria Stanczak
• In appreciation of his Distinguished Service, innovative work and initiative in renovation of the Club’s kitchen and many hours of voluntary work for General Sikorski Polish Club the Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to
– Ziggy Bruszewski
The most important moment of the day was the announcement of awarding the Honorary Membership of General Sikorski Polish Club to the most deserving members of the Club. This year on the General Sikorski Day, the Honorary Membership was awarded to:
*- Mrs Elizabeth Kuligowski
*- Mr Lech Weglewski
Ms Kuligowski is a President of the Seniors Club for the last 12 years, leading, supporting, organising, taking care and making sure everything is all right with our seniors.
Mr Weglewski, member of the Management Committee, Chair of the Arbitration Committee, long-time volunteer with hundreds of hours of invaluable work for the Club.
Congratulations and thank you so much to all the awards recipients!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Friday 5 July 2013

30th Anniversary of the Polish Community Council of WA
Cocktail Party to celebrate 30 years of work of the Polish Community Council of Western Australia was held at the Polish Centre, in Maylands. This was a very big milestone for all Polish organisations and in particular those being a part of the Council. Over the years Polish Community Council did a splendid job organising Official Celebrations of 3rd May Constitution 1791, 11 November Independence Day, organising meetings, coordinating, promoting and supporting Polish and patriotic initiatives and also representing the whole Polish community of Western Australia in local councils, State and Federal Governments and also other local, ethnic and overseas institutions including Polish.
Congratulations to the Polish Community Council of WA and in particular to the long standing President (22 years) Mrs Halina Szunejko!

Dinner with the Consul General of the Republic of Poland
General Sikorski Club invited Mr Daniel Gromann, the Consul General, on his last official visit to Perth, to the Farewell Dinner at the Club. In August 2013 Mr Gromann leaves for Poland at the end of his 4 year tenure as a Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney.
During the dinner Mr Consul shared with us his most interesting stories, impressions and reflections. He congratulated us for the remarkable achievements during this time as he visited us first time in February 2010. After the dinner were also discussions and consular advice. On behalf of the Management Committee, Club’s President  Mr Vlodek Bilski thanked Mr Daniel Gromann for his continuous support and for the help he provided to the Club and wider Polish Community for being an informal Polish ambassador, ambassador of Polish culture.
The dinner was also attended be the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland for Western Australia Mr Paul Bitdorf and his wife Halina. Thank you.

Wednesday 3 July 2013 

Saturday 8 June 2013

Grand Opening of Bistro Polonia
This splendid event was run in conjunction with the Premier League 2013 Presentation Gala. First new cooks Eva and Alex were introduced and warmly welcomed by the public. Then the President officially declared: “Bistro Polonia is now Open”. Over 60 people gathered for the occasion. Presentation Gala was quite exciting not only because of the drums by Peter Durczak, not necessarily in expected sequence, but also because of the trivia with prizes that was included in the program. Then everybody enjoyed great dinner. Afterwards was a fantastic Disco prepared and run by Darek Kalinowski, with great music plenty of smoke, flashing colourful lights and incredible lasers.

Autumn Feast by the Bonfire
It was a very successful event. Not only because of the record number of visitors of over 500 but also because of good preparation and excellent work of the Team Sikorski. Volunteers from the Management Committee and friends of the Club did a splendid job making sure everybody felt welcome and got the best possible service. Food was excellent, beer great and live music by Edie’s band just fantastic. Bonfire was big, kids loved bouncing castle, youngsters enjoyed the volleyball. Thank you to all the guests for attending and to all the volunteers for a job well done.
Saturday 4 May 2013 – erection of the lighting pole at the backyard
Greetings from Floripari
On the Anniversary of the visit to Australia of the Early Music Ensemble Floripari from the Royal Castle in Cracow, Poland, General Sikorski Polish Club received a beautiful gift from the Floripari: a short movie, dedicated to our Club. Please watch it by clicking here. Thank you Floripari!
Thank you to Adrianna Bujak-Cyran, Justyna Dolot, Justyna Krusz, Katarzyna Gruca, Marta Klimczyk, Artur Luczak, Konrad Wierzchucki, Mateusz Kowalski, Aleksander Tomczyk.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Thursday 25 April 2013

The President and the Secretary of the General Sikorski Polish Club on behalf of Club members, laid a wreath at the War Memorial.

Dance Party
Only 65 guests attended the Party, DJ was good but not as good as Jim Shaw on the Carnival Ball. But still the party was full of fun. This time dinner was optional and that suited most of the Patrons.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Sunday 7 April 2013

Easter Egg – Święcone
We rejoiced this traditional Polish Easter lunch with Father Richard Sadowski who blessed the meal and celebrated with us Christ Resurrection.

Sikorski Club on 6EBA Radio
Radio “Voice of Polonia” invited our Club to participate in the popular weekly show on a regular basis, starting from 30 March 2013. Our broadcasting team Darek Kalinowski and Alina Lewandowski will be making full one hour show on the every fifth Saturday of the month at 5 PM on the 6EBA FM 95.3 MHz. Or you can hear us anywhere in the world on the internet: http://www.6eba.com.au All are invited to join us and have fun.
First program on the 30th of March was a broader introduction of the Sikorski Club to the public. Darek did interviews with club members, talking about history, achievements and the current affairs. It was interesting, enjoyable with good pace and subtle sense of humour. Darek’s music selection and Alina’s interesting stories and anecdotes were professional and entertaining. Well done Darek and Alina!

Saturday 30 March 2013 

Sunday 24 February 2013

Concert of the world famous Czech Band “Olympic”
Olympic celebrated their Golden Anniversary in the one and only concert in Perth at the General Sikorski Polish Club.
Over 200 fans, followers and music lovers had the best time during this world class music event. The artists showed the highest level of professionalism but also the passion of teenagers. Their selection of the biggest hits was astonishing, and no surprise that the public was ecstatic.
The band “Olympic” is called the “Rolling Stones of Prague” – and that’s the compliment to the Rolling Stones.
The Concert was organised by the Czech and Slovak Association of WA – thank you!

Carnival Ball
Traditionally called in Polish “Ostatki” or “Śledzik” this was internationally styled carnival Ball with Polish touch and taste. Our professional DJ played the best international hits and the finest and the most memorable Polish dancing tunes. As for the taste, there was a nice dinner with the śledzik (hearing) as an appetiser! Over 90 patrons enjoyed the night that also had some nice Valentine’s Day accents.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Sunday 20 January 2013

Annual General Meeting
During the AGM introduced and voted in some changes to the General Sikorski Club Constitution.
The President, on behalf of the Management Committee nominated new Honorary Members of the Club for their outstanding contribution to the Club and the whole community. The official Certificates were handed to:
 Mrs Joanna Weryk
 Mrs Bozena Dzidek
 Mr Adam Sadkowski
Congratulations and Thank You!
New Management Committee was elected for the term 2013 – 2014.
President – Vlodek Bilski, 1st Vice President – John Dzidek, 2nd Vice President – Waldek Riedel, Secretary – Barbara Bilski, Deputy Secretary – Joanna Weryk, Treasurer – Mariola Sobczyk, Deputy Treasurer – Gienek Marczewski, Property Manager – Mirek Orkiszewski, 1st Deputy of Property Manager – Ziggy Bruszewski, 2nd Deputy of Property Manager – Wiesiek Cichy, Bar Manager – Peter Wolinski, Bartenders – Peter Wolinski, Janusz Dzidek, Joanna Weryk, Celina Soszka, Piotr Sobczyk, Reserve: Piotr Durczak, Waldek Riedel, Irek Kaliniewicz, Kazik Jackiewicz, Advertising Manager – Zbigniew Soszka, Memberships and Registrar – Edyta Grzelak, Webmaster – Vlodek Bilski, Deputy Webmaster – Michał Weryk, Arbitration Committee – Leszek Weglewski (Chair), Bozena Dzidek, Halina Weglewski, Social Committee – Waldek Riedel (Chair), Christine Walker, Ordinary Members – Ala Bruszewski, Halina Jackiewicz, Tosiek Weryk
Minutes of the are available to members on request.

Oplatek – The Christmas Wafer
Fr Adam Babinski and Richard Sadowski from the St Anthony Parish came to the Club to celebrate The Christmas Wafer. The prayer by Fr Adam was followed by sharing the wafer, singing carols by Adam Sadkowski (guitar) and Maria Stańczak. Then everybody enjoyed a traditional Polish Christmas meal.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Friday 4 January 2013

Windows of Cracow – PolArt 2012
The musical “Windows of Cracow” was about the life and work of Karol Wojtyla, who became the most incredible Pope, John Paul II. The show was presented by the John Paul II Music Ensemble in Sydney.
It is incredibly coincidental (or is it?) that the show comes to the Sikorski Club in the 40th Anniversary of the visit of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla in Sikorski Club on the 28 February 1973.
The actors led us through the life and adventures of young Karol, from Wadowice to Cracow and then to Rome. They used a beautiful language of poetry and music to portray events, joys and sorrows of Karol Wojtyla’s life.
The musical was created and directed by Bogumila Filip and performed by actors, narrators, soloists: Bogumila Filip, Jolanta Komincz-Howe, Iwona Saktura, Piotr Pokorski, Dariusz Plust, pianist: Jolanta Komincz-Howe.
The performance was fantastic and finished with the encore “Polish Flowers”.
For the convenience of the English speaking spectators there were subtitles on a big screen.
After the Musical, unofficial behind the scene gathering became a small party where the crowd could mingle with actors and all had a very good time.

New Year’s Eve Ball
Ball Room was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Crowd of 160 enjoyed and celebrated the coming of the new year 2013. Count down displayed on a big screen added to the excitement. The music was played by the band Mercury.

Monday 31 December 2012 

Sunday 6 December 2012

General Sikorski Club on 6PR Radio
One of the most popular radio stations in WA – 6PR 882 kHz invited the President of General Sikorski Polish Club Mr Vlodek Bilski for the live interview about the history and current activities of the Sikorski Club. Famous radio personality Steve Gordon and Vlodek Bilski talked about history of Polish presence in WA dating from 1696, through waves of Polish emigration in the early 50’s and then 80’s. About the school in 1954, Polish Association in 1961, Incorporation in 1966, Grand opening in 1972, and multitude of activities over the years: cultural, educational, social, polish emigrants sponsoring, fundraising, sporting, promoting traditions and customs and many more.
The show started at 8:35 PM and took over 25 minutes.

President’s Cup 2012 Presentation Gala
Singles: 1. Zbyszek Soszka, 2. Janusz Dzidek, 3. Vlodek Bilski
Doubles: 1. Black Caviar (Janusz Dzidek & Michael Weryk), 2. Cue Power (Zbyszek Soszka & Vlodek Bilski), 3. Szczupaki (Mirek Orkiszewski & Wiesiek Cichy)
Teams: 1. Cue Power (Zbyszek Soszka & Vlodek Bilski), 2. Black Caviar (Janusz Dzidek & Michael Weryk), 3. Szczupaki (Mirek Orkiszewski & Wiesiek Cichy)
Overall: 1. Zbyszek Soszka, 2. Janusz Dzidek, 3. Michael Weryk
Best Team (Name): Pierony (Darek Kalinowski, Piotr Sobczyk)
Quiz winner: Alicja Bruszewski

Friday 30 November 2012

Saturday 24 November 2012 

St Andrew’s Ball
After last year 200 crowd, this year’s 80 made the hall look huge. Fun though was the same if not better. Oceanites Cabaret Band played as always fantastic music. Dinner was great, for some even too big. Wax pouring was popular also among the men! Lynda the Magician showed trick at all tables.

Poland’s Independence Day
Poland’s Independence Day celebrated in the Rise Centre in Maylands was organised by the Polish Community Council of WA. Big attendance with VIP guests including representatives of the Premier of WA the Hon. Colin Barnett MLA, Leader of the Opposition Hon. Mark McGowan MLA and Minister for Local Government, Heritage, Citizenship and Multicultural Interests the Honourable John Castrilli MLA also in person were Consul General of the Republic of Poland Mr Daniel Gromann, Honorary Consul in WA of The Republic of Poland Mr Paul Bitdorf.
Speeches by Mr Ian Britza MLA Member for Morley (as always great speech, but this time big part was in Polish, thank you!), Mr John Hyde MLA Member for Perth and Mr Daniel Gromann Polish Consul General who talked about history and great achievements of Poland particularly in the last 20 years.
Great artistic program by Jacek Sławomirski, Magda Lisek and David Wickham and also children from the Polish School in Perth.
There was presentation of Awards from Jaros Engineering to 3 outstanding school students. General Sikorski Polish Club presented a cheque for $1000 as a donation to the Polish Ethnic School in Perth.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Saturday 20 October 2012 

Incredible event – some said – better than the original!
Why? Because it had everything: fantastic traditional Polish food, huge selection of European beers, big bon-fire, live music by Trilogy, great selection of recorded music, intricate jumping castle for kids, volleyball for youngsters, plenty of tables and chairs in great outdoors, dance floor filling quick particularly at the late hours, huge selection of prizes in the raffle and the most important thing of all: fantastic festive atmosphere!
Congratulations to all the guests and the organisers!
Big thank you to the sponsors: B&J Dzidek, Bistro Polonus, BJP International, CadCut Pty Ltd, Ludwik & Son, P&H Imports, Rosmoyne Family Meats, Seaview Aquariums, Sikorski Club, Varkapol, ZRID Pty Ltd

AFL Grand Final
Watching Australia’s grandest sporting event of the year on a big screen in the Function Room

Saturday 29 September 2012

Friday 24 August 2012

Pearl Cup 2012 Presentation Gala
Winners:  Singles 1 Irek Kaliniewicz, 2 Janusz Dzidek, 3 Zbyszek Soszka
Doubles 1 Cue Power (Zbyszek Soszka & Vlodek Bilski), 2 Okonie (Irek Kaliniewicz & Wiesiek Cichy), 3 Black Caviar (Janusz Dzidek & Michael Weryk),
Teams 1 Cue Power (Zbyszek Soszka & Vlodek Bilski), 2 Okonie (Irek Kaliniewicz & Wiesiek Cichy), 3 Black Caviar (Janusz Dzidek & Michael Weryk)
Best Over-all 1 Irek Kaliniewicz, 2 Zbyszek Soszka, 3 Janusz Dzidek

60th Anniversary of Polish School in Perth
General Sikorski Polish Club was the venue for the celebrations of the Diamond Jubilee of the Adam Mickiewicz Polish Ethnic School in Perth. Master of ceremony was Magdalena Dudek, and the head of the Organising Committee was the School’s Principal – Mr Witold Pszczoła. The whole event was prepared by children, parents, staff and volunteers from the school. Interesting official program was enriched by the student’s performances; recitals, singing, dances. Official part was followed by the Dinner and dancing.
Among many official guests were: Mr Frank Alban MLA representing the Premier of WA the Honourable Colin Barnet MLA, Mr Ian Britza MLA representing the Honourable John Castrilli MLA, Minister for Local Government, Heritage, Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, Mr Paul Bitdorf Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Western Australia, Ms Halina Szunejko President of the Polish Community Council in Western Australia, Dr Andy Sierakowski President of PolArt 2012 – School Sponsor, Mrs Halina Mr Kazimierz Jackiewicz from Jaros Engineering – School Sponsors.
Congratulations to the Adam Mickiewicz Polish School in Perth for the 60 years of promoting and upholding Polish culture, heritage, language and traditions and the best wishes for the future!

Saturday 4 August 2012

Saturday 28 July 2012

Quiz Night – PolArt 2012
General Sikorski Club provided the venue for this fantastic fundraiser for the Festival of Polish Visual and Performing Arts PolArt 2012 Perth. 29 teams fought bravely to win many attractive prizes. Quiz was beautifully run by the volunteers from PolArt led by Magdalena Dudek. Young organisers prepared fantastic event full of fun and surprises with poise and professional efficiency.
For more information about PolArt 2012 see http://www.polart2012.com.au/main/

General Sikorski Day
Mass for the soul of General Władysław Sikorski was held at St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Greenmount. Celebrant was Fr Adam Babiński. It was extraordinary mass with the altar beautifully decorated and the portrait of the Patron of our Club exhibited on the stand with the background of flowing white and red colours. The readings from the Bible were by the Club’s President Vlodek Bilski, psalms sang by Maria Stańczak. Choir led by Adam Sadkowski was enriched by musicians: Ryszard Bieńkowski, Andrzej Burzyński and Nathan Durczak. Father Adam preached about God’s love, inevitability of death and eternal life. He talked about General Sikorski, his role in the Polish history, his standing among Poles, his patriotism, his never-ending search for truth, his honesty, his integrity. During World War II he was the Prime Minister of the Polish Government in Exile, Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Armed Forces, he led the Nation, he carried the hope of all Poles. On the 4th of July 1943 General Władysław Sikorski died in the plane crush. Fr Adam talked about the funeral, about devastation felt by all the Polish people. But hope never died. Freedom would finally come.
The preaching was informative in its contents and beautiful in words, it was sorrowful but full of hope, thoughtful and uplifting. Thank you Father Adam.

After the mass, the Commemorative Ceremony was held at the club, followed by the Dinner.
First the newsreel from 1941 was shown. It showed General Sikorski and his work on the political arena, also the events at the time.
Traditionally on the General Sikorski Day we evaluate our own past year’s achievements and we reward the best of us for their hard work.
First The Certificates of Appreciation for Outstanding Contribution in Renovation of the Club were awarded to: Zdzisław Bruszewski, Mirosław Orkiszewski, Jacek Trzciński.
Next The Certificates of Appreciation for the Preparation of the 40th Anniversary of the Club were awarded to: Daniel Bruszewski, Michał Bruszewski, Magdalena Dudek, Daniel Kalinowski, Dariusz Kalinowski, Elżbieta Pantuchewicz, Ireneusz Zimoch.
For the first time in 5 years came the most important Award – The Honorary Membership. It is the highest accolade that the General Sikorski Polish Club rewards its members. The recipients were: Alicja Bruszewski, Wiesław Cichy, Piotr Durczak, Waldemar Riedel.
Congratulations to all Awards recipients, thank you so much for your hard work, for the Club, for the Community, for the Polish Culture!

Sunday 1 July 2012

Saturday 16 June 2012

Autumn Feast by the Bon Fire
There was Ham on a Spit, grilled sausages, fresh bread, potato pancakes with cream, dill cucumbers, cake, tea, coffee, and most importantly fantastic polish beers, and other beverages. There was music, hits from the 80’s 90’s and 2000’s. There was also a raffle and of course a bon fire. The weather was not too good but still we have had nice turnout of over 150 guests. And we all enjoyed it.

3rd May Constitution Day 1791
At the Commemorative concert that had taken place at the Polish Centre, 33 Eight Ave, Maylands, organised by the Polish Community Council of Australia, Western Australian Branch, three members of the General Sikorski Club were awarded Medals of Merit by the Polish Community Council of Australia.
Congratulations to: Janusz Dzidek, Kazimierz Jackiewicz and Piotr Woliński
Medals were awarded in recognition for their many years in service for the community, for their support of the Polish cause and the tremendous work they’ve done for the Polish and Australian people.
Congratulations Janusz, Kazik and Piotr
Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

Sunday 6 May 2012 

Sunday 29 April 2012

Easter Egg – Święcone
This is a traditional Polish Easter lunch. Father Adam was with us for this beautiful celebration of Christ Resurrection. Our Easter meal was blessed as per our Easter traditions.

ANZAC Day Commemorative Service
As every year, this year too members of the General Sikorski Polish Club took part in the Service. This time also Members of the Floripari Ensemble paid tribute to the ANZACs.
As per our tradition the President and the Secretary of the General Sikorski Polish Club on behalf of Club members, laid a wreath at the War Memorial.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Sunday 22 April 2012

Floripari Concert
The World Famous Early Music Ensemble Floripari came straight from the Royal Castle in Kraków, Poland.
In the program was “THE ROYAL COURT OF THE JAGIELLONIANS – a day in the life of the court”
“The magnificent Royal Court of the Jagiellonian Dynasty of Polish kings shone among all of 16th century Europe with a glorious light of wisdom and art. Nowhere else were the ancient muses looking down on their domains more pleased then here, at Wawel. History tells us that Kaliope – the muse of the art of music, was the most favourite one of all.”
Artists were playing instruments from the era of the Renaissance in the authentic colourful costumes, dancers performed exquisite dances, the hearts of the crowd were won by the fantastic voice of the beautiful soprano soloist.
The Floripari gave a fantastic performance of true historic dimensions, with Kraków and Poland at its centre, and beautiful music as its canvas and soul.
Floripari came to Perth with these fantastic artists:
 Adrianna Bujak – soprano
 Marta Klimczyk – harpsichord
 Artur Łuczak – baroque violin, fiddle, viola
 Justyna Krusz – viola da gamba
 Mateusz Kowalski – viola da gamba
 Konrad Wierzchucki – dancer
 Katarzyna Gruca – dancer
 Aleksander Tomczyk – renaissance wind instruments and percussion, artistic director
Thank you for coming and celebrating with us the 40th Anniversary of the General Sikorski Polish Club!

Big Anniversary Gala
Black Tie event with attending VIP guests:
 The Honourable Helen Morton MLC Minister for Mental Health; Disability Services representing the Honourable Colin Barnett MLA, Premier of Western Australia
 Mr Roger Cook MLA, Deputy Leader of The Opposition; Shadow Minister for Health representing the Leader of the Opposition the Honourable Mark McGowan MLA
 The Honourable Alyssa Hayden MLC Member for the East Metropolitan Region representing The Honourable John Castrilli MLA, Minister for Local Government, Heritage,  Citizenship and Multicultural Interests
 Ms Lisa Baker MLA Member for Maylands representing Mr John Hyde MLA, Shadow Minister for Local Government; Culture and the Arts; Heritage; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests
 Mr Mick Wainwright Deputy Mayor, City of Swan
 Mr Mike Foley, Chief Executive Officer of the City of Swan
 Ms Maria Osman, Executive Director of the Office of Multicultural Interests
 Mr Daniel Gromann Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney
 Mr Paul Bitdorf Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Western Australia
 Ms Kaitlyn Offer, Journalist, representing Community Newspaper Group
 Representatives of the Clergy
 Leaders of all Polish organisations in Western Australia
 Leaders of other organisations: Czech and Slovak, Hungarian, Ukrainian
 Members of the Club and
 General public.
It was a fantastic night flawlessly run by two young and talented Masters of Ceremony Magdalena Dudek and Daniel Kalinowski with quite extensive program:
• Official proceedings included speeches by Vlodek Bilski President of General Sikorski Polish Club, The Honourable Helen Morton MLC Minister for Mental Health; Disability Services, Mr Roger Cook MLA Deputy Leader of The Opposition; Shadow Minister for Health, Mr Mick Wainwright Deputy Mayor of City of Swan, Mr Daniel Gromann Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney
• Brief history presentation
• Awards for the most deserving members.
The Certificate of Appreciation for extensive support for General Sikorski Polish Club and the Polish community is awarded to: Irena Frijaf, Maria Głowacki, Józefa Kata, Maria Kieliszewski, Natalia Knitter, Barbara Kubiak, Elżbieta Kuligowska, Zofia Majewski, Zofia Marczewski, Stefania Mazurak, Stefania Pietrucha, Maureen Słowiński, Józefa Zysk, Stanisław Zysk
The Major Award for outstanding contribution to General Sikorski Polish Club and the Polish and Australian communities is awarded to: Zdzisław Bruszewski, Józef Budziński, Tadeusz Budziński, Janusz Dzidek, Halina Jackiewicz, Kazimierz Jackiewicz, Ireneusz Kaliniewicz, Helena Kopij, Marian Kopij, Eugeniusz Marczewski, Bronisław Mazurak, Edward Nagajek, Mirosław Orkiszewski, Janina Ragus, Stanisław Ragus, Piotr Woliński
Beyond the script of the proceedings and as a surprise and a gift to the current President of the Club Mr Vlodek Bilski to reward his hard work, dedication and significant contribution to the Club the Honorary Membership was awarded to him by the Management Committee of the General Sikorski Polish Club
• Artistic program featuring our own Western Australian Polish Dance Group “Kukułeczka” and the highlight of the night: short performance by Early Music Ensemble “Floripari” from the Royal Castle Wawel in Kraków, Poland
• Dinner
• Dance to the rhythms of the “Oceanites Cabaret Band”

Saturday 21 April 2012

Sunday 15 April 2012 at 1 PM

Exhibition about History of General Sikorski Polish Club
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Western Australia Mr Paul Bitdorf officially opened The Festivity Week and the Exhibition: “40 Years Passed by Like One Day” – showcasing the life of the Club, with important events, traditions and customs, official proceedings, artistic happenings, spiritual mementos, learning experiences and plenty more.

Bistro Polonus under new Management
Małgorzata Stefanik took over the position of the Chef. Congratulations and best wishes with the running of Bistro Polonus.

Friday 2 March 2012

February 2012

Main Foyer Renovation
After Costume Party started the renovation of the Foyer in the preparation for the 40th Anniversary of the Grand Opening of General Sikorski Polish Club due on the 21 April 2012.

Last Saturday of the Carnival Ball – Costume Party
It was a fantastic party to the tunes of Mercury Band. Crowd of 70 enjoyed light, vibrant and full of smiles and laughter atmosphere. Most wore costumes, some were historic, some futuristic, many were funny and boisterous and most were just beautiful. Ladies – congratulations for imagination, inventiveness, colours and class. Gents – well done the skirted ones led by the Scotsman, and Lolita, but also the role models like Zorro, Cesar, Pirate of the Caribbean, Cowboy and last but not least: the Porn Star!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Sunday 8 January 2012

Annual General Informative Meeting
President Vlodek Bilski opened the proceedings. National anthem was sung. President and the Head of the Auditing Committee – Bozena Dzidek read the Annual Reports. Treasurer’s Annual Report was filed. The President of the Club presented the plans for the Club for 2012. There was a short discussion about the incoming celebrations of 40 years of the Club’s service to the Polish and Australian communities. Some members spoke in regards to collecting data for the 40th Anniversary Exhibition. In closing the meeting the President thanked all involved in the renovation of the Club and encouraged all to fully participate in the life of the General Sikorski Polish Club.

Opłatek – Christmas Wafer
Fr Richard Sadowski from St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Greenmount carried out a prayer and a blessing of all of us. Then we shared a Christmas Wafer. Then Rysiek Bieńkowski, Maciek Warzycki and Adam Sadkowski played Christmas carols and we all joined in singing. Then we had a traditional Christmas meal prepared by the Bistro Polonus.
Big thank you go to all and in particular to Richard Sadowski for participating in this beautiful spiritual Polish tradition.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Saturday 31 December 2011

Sylwester – New Year’s Eve Ball
Our beautiful Ballroom was specially decorated for the occasion and there was created a festive, jubilant atmosphere.  Ladies wore magnificent dresses; gentlemen, in most cases had black ties so it was both joyful and glamorous. I wonder, what it will be like the next time around? Because the standards were set pretty high.
For good measure and good luck the chimney-sweep man (kominiarz) came over with the best wishes for the New Year!
According to the old Polish traditions, it was an extremely Good Luck if you had seen a chimney-sweep man on the New Year’s Eve Night. You could multiply your luck if you stole one of his coat’s buttons, or any button for that matter. Aware of this, and not wanting to lose his attire, chimney-sweep man walked very briskly from table to table…
Music was grand with the big chunks of great Rock’n Roll by the Mercury Band. Dancing floor was almost always full, but not crowded, so dancing was fantastic. During intervals, Des and his teachers from our local In Step Dance Studio performed exquisite pieces of the classical ballroom dancing.
Bistro Polonus served as always a great dinner; there were also available polish donuts and cheesecake.
It was a beautiful night, a Night to Remember!
Thanks again Kazik for showing up in your new vocation: sweeping chimneys, or rather, for what you usually do the best: bringing a smile to everyone!
Happy New Year 2012!

Andrzejki – St Andrew’s Night
Newly renovated hall set the authentic Ballroom atmosphere; there are very few places in Perth with such beautiful look and a warm welcoming ambience. Designer Jacek Trzcinski can be proud of his work. The promise of the makeover definitely attracted a record crowd – 200! It was a full house.
We had two young, very attractive MC’s running the show. Magdalena Dudek and Daniel Kalinowski explained everything so that young people could learn about old Polish “Andrzejki” traditions. We had a Gypsy woman selling fortune cookies, wax pouring and Wizard clarifying and teaching how to read future from shapely wax.
There was a Raffle with very nice prizes, thanks to the sponsors: Suchowskimedia, Midland Toyota, B & J Dzidek, P & H Imports, Buffman Exclusive Car Detailing, Management Committee of General Sikorski Polish Club.
Special thanks go to Gosia Manowiecka (Gypsy Woman), Kazik Jackiewicz (Wizard) and for the team Gosia Manowiecka and Ala Bruszewski and their crew of volunteers for the planning and preparing of the night’s events.
Like last year the ‘Oceanites Cabaret Band’ played very well to the satisfaction of everyone. Bistro Polonus provided high standard catering. There were also polish donuts, croissants, cheesecake.
The only downside was air-conditioning system, which was too hot for some and too cold for others. Apologies for that, and a promise – it will be fixed for the New Year’s Eve Ball.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Sunday 20 November 2011

Renovation of the Main Hall completed
The finishing touch was the chandelier. Aluminium body was delivered by Peter and Mariola Sobczyk, steel parts by Ken Jackiewicz the rest was delivered, compiled and assembled by Jacek Trzcinski. Installation by Mirek Orkiszewski, Vlodek Bilski, electrical by Ziggy Bruszewski.
Renovation lasted four and half months, over a 1000 man-hours of volunteer work, 24 official Busy Bees and some more unofficial.
Big Thank You to those who participated in the renovation.

Erecting a light pole in the front parking lot
Front of our Club is now very nicely lit.
Thanks to the work of: Halina Weglewski, Leszek Węglewski, Piotr Durczak, Piotr Wolinski, Romek Grzelak, Jacek Trzcinski, Adam Bilski, Glen, Tosiek Weryk, Wladek Radlo, Zbyszek Czanowicki, Mirek Orkiszewski, Ziggy Bruszewski, Adam Sadkowski, Vlodek Bilski.

Saturday 15, Sunday 16 October 2011

Saturday 17 September 2011

Hop Harvest Festival
On the afternoon of 17th of September 2011 we had a fundraising event called “Hop Harvest Festival”. It was a big gathering where we had around 300 guests. There were Polish, Czech, German, and Australian beers, good food, music, raffle, bonfire, dance and on top of that – Eagles won! It was a huge success. Both for Eagles and for our Club. Thank you to all our guests for coming and to our sponsors for supporting our cause: Renovation of the Big Hall which will celebrate 40th anniversary in April next year.
Thank you to our sponsors: Adriatic Butchers, Bożena & Janusz Dzidek, De Vine Cellars, Jaros Engineering, Ludwik & Son, Midland Toyota, P & H Imports, Rosmoyne Family Meats, Varkapol.
Big thank you goes to all the volunteers who made Hop Harvest Festival such a great event; in particular to Ken Jackiewicz and Peter Durczak – the instigators and organisers. And there were others helping, cooking, serving, arranging, playing, selling tickets, tidying up and doing whatever was needed: Mariola Sobczyk (perfect sausages), Peter Wolinski, Waldek Riedel, Ala Bruszewski, Iza Czanowicki (best pączki – polish donuts), Ziggi Czanowicki, Halina Jackiewicz, Basia Bilski, Halina Weglewski, Krysia Walker, Aggie Bouckley with her friend, Asia Weryk, Gosia Manowiecka, Edyta Grzelak, Jadwiga Bilski, Bożena Dzidek, Wiesia Grzelak, Pawel Grzelak, Irek Kaliniewicz, Mirek Orkiszewski, Adam Sadkowski and the best duo of all Maciek Warzycki and Rysiek Bienkowski and our lucky girl running our lottery – Victoria and announcer Vlodek Bilski.

Busy Bee Days
Here are listed our hard working volunteers (in brackets number of days attending):
Jacek Trzcinski (15), Mirek Orkiszewski (14), Vlodek Bilski (13), Ziggy Bruszewski (10), Ziggi Czanowicki (10), Waldek Riedel (9), Kazik Jackiewicz (9), Piotr Wolinski (8), Janusz Dzidek (7), Piotr Durczak (7), Leszek Węglewski (7), Irek Kaliniewicz (6), Halina Weglewski (5), Adam Sadkowski (5), Wladek Radlo (3), Ala Bruszewski (2), Barbara Bilski (2), Halina Jackiewicz (2), Tosiek Weryk (2), Adam Bilski (1), Andrzej Burzynski (1), Bożena Dzidek (1), Edyta Grzelak (1), Glen Burns (1), Iza Czanowicki (1), Krysia Walker (1), Romek Grzelak (1).
Big Thank You to ALL for their hard work!

9 July, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 21 August, 3, 4, 10, 11, 25 September, 2, 15, 16, 25, 28, 30 October, 12, 13, 20, 26, 27 November, 31 December 2011, 1 January 2012

Friday 29 July 2011

Presentation Gala
Eight ball Pool Tournament Pearl Cup 2011 has finished and on the night was a beautiful award ceremony with dinner and live music. The winners are:
Singles: 1. Vlodek Bilski, 2. Andrew Pietrzak, 3. Irek Kaliniewicz
Doubles: 1. Odra – Peter Durczak, Vlodek Bilski, 2. Cheers – Janusz Dzidek, Piotr Kasprzak, 3. Zaperleni – Darek Kalinowski, Piotr Sobczyk
Teams: 1. Odra – Peter Durczak, Vlodek Bilski, 2. Okonie – Irek Kaliniewicz, Wiesiek Cichy, 3. Ramzes – Andrew Pietrzak, Michael Weryk
Over-All: 1. Vlodek Bilski, 2. Irek Kaliniewicz, 3. Janusz Dzidek and Piotr Durczak

Exhibition and Sale of Polish modern art!
On display were finest pieces of well-known Polish artists. This was rare occasion never to be repeated. After the exhibition all exhibits would go to Queensland and will never come back. Both paintings and sculptures were priced well below market value. Provider was Waldek Mazurkiewicz.

Friday 22 July 2011 and Sunday 24 July 2011

Saturday 9 July 2011

Starts renovation of big hall
The President of the Club Vlodek Bilski and manages all works. Interior design by Jacek Trzciński.
Most of works is done for free by the Management Committee members and a handful of volunteers. Big thank you to everyone for your priceless effort.

General Sikorski Day
On the big occasion of General Sikorski Day on the 3rd of July 2011 awards were given to selected number of members for their great contribution to the Club in the last 12 months. Recipients were: Irek Kaliniewicz, Piotr Sobczyk, Piotr Durczak, Waldek Riedel, Janusz Dzidek, Gienek Marczewski.
Congratulations to all and in particular to Gienek Marczewski for his 45 years of hard work for the Club and to his wife Zofia Marczewski for supporting him and at same time Polish cause.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Saturday 18 June 2011

Ham on a spit
Bon fire and Ham on a spit with additional major attraction – live music – Rysiek and Maciek. There were over 50 guests. Ham was delicious thanks to Kazik Jackiewicz, Peter Wolinski and Peter Durczak.

Biggest Morning Tea 2011
It became a tradition for our Seniors Club that Mrs Elzbieta Kuligowska and her team of Seniors organizes the „Biggest morning Tea” – Cancer Council fundraiser. And this year it was a big success. General Sikorski Seniors Club collected in total $1,057 for cancer treatment research. It was a tremendous charity event!
Congratulations to our Seniors for this great achievement!

Tuesday / Thursday 24/26 May 2011

Saturday 21 May 2011

Busy Bee Day
Thank you to all attending.

Live Music
Debut of two musicians performing in our Club: Rysiek Bieńkowski – violin and solo and Maciek Warzycki – guitar and keyboard. From now on every Friday we have live music!
Thanks to Rysiek and Maciek.

Friday 20 May 2011

Sunday 1 May 2011 3rd May

Constitution Day 1791
Commemorative concert had taken place at the Polish Centre, 33 Eight Ave, Maylands, organised by Polish Community Council of Australia, Western Australian Branch.
It was beautiful concert starring Mr Jacek Slawomirski and Mrs Slawomirski and children from Polish School in Maylands.
On the occasion medals for work for Polish community in Australia were awarded.
Our Club’s longest serving Secretary Mrs Halina Jackiewicz and Club’s longest serving Treasurer Mr Gienek Marczewski both have been awarded by the Polish Community Council of Australia Testimonial Medals as a tribute for their many years in service of the community, for their support of Polish cause and tremendous work they’ve done for Polish and Australian people.
Congratulations Halina and Gienek, and a big Thank You for your hard work and dedication!

This is a traditional Polish Easter lunch. Around fifty people visited our Club for this beautiful celebration of Christ Resurrection. First Mass was celebrated at St Anthony’s Catholic Church. Then we met for a meal at the Club. Our Easter meal was blessed as per Polish Easter traditions by Father Adam.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Monday 25 April 2011

ANZAC Day Service
President Vlodek Bilski and Secretary Barbara Bilski attended the Service and laid a wreath at the War Memorial in Bellevue.

Premiere: screening of fantastic movie “Who was the winner of President’s Cup 2010”
Movie buffs and sport fans were invited for a treat: a film by World famous in Łódź (Poland) Ryszard Jabłoński about one of the greatest competitions ever held in our Club.

Friday 15 April 2011

Saturday 26 March 2011

Presentation Gala for Individual Championship of 8-Ball Pool
Premier League 2011
1 – Vlodek Bilski, 2 – Janusz Dzidek, 3 – Mirek Orkiszewski, 4 – Wiesiek Cichy, 5 – Irek Kaliniewicz, 6 – Piotr Durczak
Champions League 2011
1 – Michael Bruszewski, 2 – Ziggy Bruszewski, 3 – Darek Kalinowski, 4 – Piotr Sobczyk, 5 – Marek Blaszczyk, 6 – Michael Weryk

EFTPOS was installed at the Club

Friday 25 March 2011

Saturday 5 March 2011

Traditional Polish Śledzik (last day of Carnival) was attended by over 60 guests. Good food nice music, both modern and not so with a good selection of always beautiful old Polish hits from the 60’s and 70’s.

Bistro “Polonus” was opened serving traditional Polish meals with Chef Zbigniew Czanowicki.

Friday 25 February 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

Flood Appeal
On Sunday 6 February the Club conducted a collection for the Australian Red Cross Flood Appeal to help flood victims in Queensland
Members collected $370 for the Flood Appeal that was matched by the Club. So in total $740 was donated to Australian Red Cross Flood Appeal to help flood victims in Queensland.
Donations: Peter & Helen Durczak $50, Edyta & Pawel Grzelak $20, Adam Sadkowski $20, Janusz & Bozena Dzidek $20, Peter Wolinski $10, Ela & Wladek Radlo $10, Halina & Leszek Weglewski $20, Mirek Orkiszewski $20, Zofia & Gienek Marczewski $50, Basia & Vlodek Bilski $20, Stefania Blaszczyk $5, Halina & Kazik Jackiewicz $100, Wieslaw Cichy $5, Irena & Leon Rudychowscy $10, Joanna & Antoni Weryk $10
Thank you all for your generosity.

Annual General Meeting
During the Meeting reports were read about activities of the last two years. There were also introduced some changes to the Constitution. New Management Committee was elected.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Sunday 9 January 2011

“Opłatek” was led by Fr Adam Babinski with the assistance of Fr Leonard Macionczyk from St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Greenmount. Edyta Grzelak with Adam Sadkowski playing guitar sang carols and we all joined in singing. After few words from Fr Adam and Gods blessing, we all shared Christmas wafer. Then we had a traditional Christmas meal.
Big thank you go to all and in particular to Fr Adam and Fr Leonard for participating in this beautiful spiritual Polish tradition.